OBJEKT Startup Hub

Narva Content Festival 2024 has successfully completed!

Narva Content Fest 24 has wrapped up, leaving us with incredible memories and a renewed sense of creativity and innovation. Held from April 24th to 27th, the festival transformed Narva into a hub of artistic expression and cutting-edge discussions, taking place at ASTRI, NART, OBJEKT, and Narva Art School. Let’s dive into the highlights of […]

W3N 2023

As we close the chapter on an incredible W3N 2023, we are filled with immense gratitude and pride. This year’s conference in Narva was nothing short of spectacular, bringing together some of the brightest minds in AI and Web3. A Gathering of Visionaries We were honored to host a lineup of exceptional speakers who shared […]

Spinner Conference according to young people

5. aprillil toimub OBJEKT 17-26-aastastele noortele mõeldud konverents, mis on pühendatud olulistele oskustele edukaks karjääriplaneerimiseks. Osalemine on tasuta. Programm koosneb kolmest töötoast ja paneeldiskussioonist. Denis Antipenkov viib töötoa LinkedIn‘ist ja inglise keelest läbi. Denis töötab suurtes, rahvusvahelistes ettevõtetes, tunneb palgamisprotsessi ning tema töökeel on inglise keel. Ta räägib sellest, miks ja kuidas on vaja omada […]

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